Friday, October 31, 2008

Aplikasi Gmail for Mobile versi 2.0

Apaan sih Gmail for Mobile? Itu lho, aplikasi java dari Gmail yang bisa digunakan untuk nge-cek email (account Gmail tentunya, masa account yahoo hehehe) yang diinstall di hape kita. Sangat berguna, terutama bagi pengguna Gmail yang sering bepergian tapi juga harus tetap bisa mengakses email-nya setiap saat. Sekarang Gmail for Mobile sudah masuk versi 2.0. Apa bedanya dengan versi sebelumnya?

Gmail for Mobile 2.0 diklaim oleh google lebih cepat dan lebih lancar, dan yang paling terutama adalah, versi ini lebih reliable untuk pengguna yang sering ga dapat sinyal, alias putus sambung melulu koneksi internetnya. Wah, kalo gitu cocok banget nih untuk saya, soalnya emang koneksi internet IM3 saya rada-rada gitu dehh.. Langsung deh saya arahkan browser di hape saya ke dan download aplikasinya. Setelah dicoba, rasanya memang versi 2.0 ini agak lebih cepat untuk proses sign in (atau hanya sugesti?).

Sekilas pandang tampilan Gmail for Mobile 2.0 ini memang tidak jauh berbeda dengan versi sebelumnya (bisa dikatakan sama saja malah). Tapi tambahan fitur yang paling bermanfaat mungkin adalah adanya fasilitas "mobile drafts". Apa artinya? Artinya sekarang kita bisa menulis email secara offline dan menyimpannya sementara dalam memori hape kita, tunggu sampai koneksi internet tersambung, baru kirim email tersebut. Sangat berguna apabila di tengah-tengah kesibukan kita mengetik email, tiba-tiba koneksi internet terputus. Bahkan kita bisa keluar dari aplikasi Gmail tersebut tanpa kehilangan email yang sudah kita simpan tadi, dengan catatan kita tidak "Sign Out" terlebih dahulu.

Apa bedanya "Sign Out" dengan langsung "Exit Gmail"? Kalau di versi 1.5, pada bagian "Settings" ada opsi "Always keep me signed in" yang fungsinya supaya kita tidak perlu selalu harus sign in terlebih dahulu setiap kali menjalankan aplikasi Gmail ini. Opsi ini berguna namun kadang agak merepotkan. Bagi pengguna yang kadang-kadang perlu sign out (mungkin untuk sign in ke account Gmail yang lainnya misalnya), maka ia harus merubah setting tersebut terlebih dahulu dan kemudian mengembalikannya lagi setelah selesai. Ribet bukan? Nah pada Gmail for Mobile versi 2.0, opsi ini ditiadakan dan diganti dengan menu "Sign Out" (ada di dalam menu "Accounts"). Artinya apabila kita keluar dari aplikasi Gmail tanpa sign out terlebih dahulu (langsung pilih "Exit Gmail") maka lain kali pada saat kita menjalankan aplikasi ini lagi, Gmail akan otomatis sign in ke account tadi. Tapi apabila kita telah sign out terlebih dahulu, maka kita akan diminta untuk memasukkan user dan password kita lagi.

Perlu nggak yah sign out dulu sebelum exit? Jawabannya tentu tergantung selera masing-masing pengguna. Sebenarnya, ada lebih banyak keuntungan yang kita peroleh apabila kita keluar dari aplikasi Gmail for Mobile 2.0 TANPA sign out terlebih dahulu. Pertama, sangat jelas, kita tidak perlu repot memasukkan user dan password terlebih dahulu. Kedua, karena pada versi 2.0 sudah memungkinkan kita untuk sign in ke 2 atau lebih account Gmail sekaligus, buat apa repot bolak-balik sign in dan sign out hanya untuk melihat email dari account yang berbeda. Ketiga, email yang disimpan pada "mobile drafts" hanya tetap tersimpan apabila kita tidak sign out. Keempat, 20 email teratas (terbaru) akan disimpan dalam memori (baik header maupun isi email) selama kita tidak sign out. Tentu ini akan mempersingkat waktu yang diperlukan apabila sewaktu-waktu kita ingin membacanya. Kalau begitu, apa bagusnya sign out dulu sebelum exit ya? Protection of your privacy tentunya. Bagaimana kalau hape Anda dicuri lalu jatuh ke tangan orang yang tahu dan mengerti mengenai aplikasi ini, serta cukup pintar untuk memanfaatkan informasi yang didapat dari email-email Anda?

Catatan: pada versi 2.0, tiap kali kita sign in aplikasi akan otomatis men-download isi dari 20 email teratas. Hal ini sebenarnya agak 'boros' karena kita terpaksa mengeluarkan uang untuk email yang belum tentu akan kita baca, kecuali biaya koneksi internet Anda tidak tergantung besarnya pemakaian. Saya coba membandingkan besarnya transfer data yang diperlukan untuk proses sign in (dengan account yang sama) antara versi 2.0 dengan versi 1.5. Pada versi 2.0 transfer data yang terjadi sebesar 21KB sedangkan pada versi 1.5 hanya 1KB karena tidak ada isi email yg di-download. Perbedaan yang sangat jauh bukan? Saya betul-betul berharap pada rilis berikutnya ada disertakan opsi apakah pada saat sign in kita ingin otomatis men-download isi email atau cukup hanya header email saja.

Well, begitulah hasil eksplorasi singkat saya atas aplikasi Gmail for Mobile 2.0. Semoga bermanfaat...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Max Payne Movie Review

Hehehe baru abis nonton Max Payne nih tadi (sapa nanyaaaa). Agak telat yah, tapi akhirnya tersalurkan juga rasa penasarannya ama film Max Payne ini. Soalnya dulu pernah main dan jatuh cinta ama game nya (PC), jadi pengen tau seberapa banyak aspek dari game Max Payne dulu itu yang bisa ditransformasikan dan dilestarikan dalam versi layar lebarnya. So after watching Max Payne the movie, here's what I think of the movie (can't help comparing it to the game version).

First of all, dari segi setting lokasinya, karakter Max Payne, dan nuansa yang ditimbulkan. Hmm di aspek ini menurut saya sih sangat berhasil dan mengingatkan saya pada feeling yang muncul pada saat memainkan game Max Payne dulu. Setting kota yang kelam, dengan cuaca yang buruk dan salju yang terus turun, sampai ke stasiun kereta bawah tanah yang sepi dan tidak nyaman, diwariskan ke dalam versi filmnya. Untungnya, casting pemain juga menjatuhkan pilihan pada Mark Wahlberg sebagai pemeran Max Payne. Bukan karena Wahlberg adalah salah satu aktor favorit saya sih, tapi menurut saya muka Mark Wahlberg itu lumayan mirip dengan muka Max Payne di gamenya hehehehe... Lengkap juga dengan jaket kulit hitam yang lengket terus di badan Max Payne pula hihihihi... Ga kebayang kalo yang memerankan Max Payne itu Nicolas Cage misalnya (eitsss, aktor pria fave saya tuh). Selain Mark Wahlberg, kandidat lain yang mungkin cocok untuk memerankan Max Payne adalah Matt Damon. Keren banget dia pas main sebagai Jason Bourne di trilogi Bourne. Lagipula bukan kah Mark Wahlberg dengan Matt Damon ada mirip-mirip sedikit? Hehehehe.. Jadi OOT nih. 

Kembali ke urusan review-mereview film Max Payne. Sebelum nonton filmnya, saya sudah lebih dahulu menjajal trailer-nya. Terus terang waktu itu sempat agak kecewa juga melihat trailer-nya. Gimana ga, kisah Max Payne yang realistis di versi game kog disulap jadi film ga jelas dengan menghadirkan iblis-iblis bersayap yang berterbangan kesana-kemari memangsa manusia. Emangnya film Van Helsing kali yah hehehee... Tapi ternyata setelah nonton filmnya baru jelas, ternyata semua iblis bersayap itu cuman halusinasi dari para junkie yang otaknya uda keracunan obat Valkyr. Fiuhhh lega rasanya. Memang sih di game nya diceritakan bahwa para junkie ini mengalami halusinasi yang hebat dan kehilangan akal sehat mereka, tapi ga pernah ada visualisasi mengenai what's going on in their mind. So the movie did quite good by showing us what kind of hallucination it is.

Dari segi jalan cerita, terus terang uda ga banyak yang saya ingat dari game Max Payne. Mainnya aja kalau ga salah sekitar tahun 2001-2002 gitu. Tapi intinya sih tetap sama, yaitu usaha mati-matian dari Max Payne untuk mengungkap siapa pembunuh istri dan bayinya, untuk apalagi kalau bukan untuk membalas dendam. Senjata-senjata yang dibawa Max Payne juga yaaa kurang lebih sama lah. Hanya saja di versi film dia ga bawa-bawa granat dan lempar-lempar bom molotov kayak perusuh disini hihihihi..

So, secara keseluruhan rating yang saya berikan untuk film Max Payne ini adalah: 7,5/10. Lumayan lah sambil nunggu Quantum of Solace beredar hehehehe...

Bagi yang penasaran sama film ini dan kepengen liat trailer-nya silakan:

Bagi yang penasaran siapa aja sih yang membintangi film ini silakan juga:
Cast overview (source:
Mark Wahlberg   ...   Max Payne
Mila Kunis   ...   Mona Sax
Beau Bridges   ...   BB Hensley
Ludacris   ...   Jim Bravura (as Chris 'Ludacris' Bridges)
Chris O'Donnell   ...   Jason Colvin
Donal Logue   ...   Alex Balder
Amaury Nolasco   ...   Jack Lupino
Kate Burton   ...   Nicole Horne
Olga Kurylenko   ...   Natasha (wah lagi naik daun nih, ketemu lagi nanti di Quantum of Solace)
Rothaford Gray   ...   Joe Salle
Joel Gordon   ...   Owen Green
Jamie Hector   ...   Lincoln DeNeuf
Andrew Friedman   ...   Trevor
Marianthi Evans   ...   Michelle Payne
Nelly Furtado   ...   Christa Balder (mulai main film juga toh dia)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 (PC Games)

Hi everybody,

My first post (on my first blog ever) is about my favorite game of all time, the Pro Evolution Soccer series (a.k.a Winning Eleven).
More posts to come.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
Game Information

The biggest news first - the best club football competition in the world is in PES 2009 as Konami secures exclusive UEFA Champions League licence! Following the conclusion of an exclusive 4 year licence with UEFA, the UEFA Champions League deal will allow Konami to use all elements and attributes of the competition to create an exclusive UEFA Champions League mode within the PES game.

New modes and gamplay additions abound as PES 2009 strives to band together PES players in the quest for football perfection. PES 2009 has been reworked from the ground up, featuring new player models, AI elements and physics routines that all combine to create the most advanced and realistic football game ever, but at the heart of PES 2009 are two new modes designed to make players rethink the way they approach the game.

If that's not all, Manchester United and Liverpool are both Official Licensed teams within the game as well. PES 2009 will feature the most detailed likenesses of the current European Champions Manchester United along with full use of the team's kits and club crests. Similarly, PES 2009 also captures the unique skills of the Manchester side's key players with the game's recreations of Carlos Tevez, Rio Ferdinand, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Edwin van der Sar boasting bespoke animations to ensure they move like their real-life counterparts in addition to looking like

As an Official Partner of Liverpool FC, Konami has the right to use LFC logos and marks in all its internal and commercial promotions. The team, its kits, logos and players will also appear officially licensed.

'PES Unites' is the key phrase Konami is using to sum up the ethos of the new game. PES 2009 also improves on its many existing game modes and adds a number of new ways to play the game. Central to this is the new 'Become a Legend' solo mode, which casts the user as a midfielder or striker within a match. Using a default vertical camera view, the player starts as a rookie pro at the start of their career, and charts the many highs and lows of becoming a professional player. An extension of the popular 'Fix' mode, the 'Become a Legend' mode sees the player operate in their favoured attacking position, and work as part of the overall team as opposed to controlling every member as in a normal game.

If successful, the player must first cement their place in the starting line-up with strong performances, before catching the eye of bigger clubs and earning a move to top flight teams. Of course, results are everything in modern day football, and players must force their way into contention or face lengthy stints as a substitute or eventually be forced to take a step down to a smaller club if performances are not good enough. The 'Become a Legend' mode has already proved a massive hit in Japanese versions of PES since 2007, and is certain to enjoy similar status across Europe.

PES 2009 also boasts an online variant of the 'Become a Legend' mode, entitled simply 'Legends.' Players can use their saved player in online matches with like-minded friends, and can show their skills on the larger online stage.

The PES series has always been famed for its deep yet accessible control system, but the new game is aiming even higher. PES 2009 offers an unprecedented level of control, redefining the intricacies of first touch, close control and ball distribution, while also enhancing its shooting and AI mechanisms to create an all-round footballing experience. Konami's Tokyo-based Pro Evolution Soccer Production Team has introduced new control systems wherein the player can now perform tricks and feints without the use of special moves, but within the context of the player's run and via rapid turns and movements of the Dpad or analogue stick.

Likewise, the way the player guides the ball has been changed. The PES series has always treated the ball as a separate entity, but new calculations related to the air resistance and friction of the ground make passing and movement in PES 2009 a great deal more realistic. Different weather conditions will now have a more pronounced effect on the weight and movement of passes, with players having to compensate for more heavy conditions in poor weather.

Producer Shingo 'Seabass' Takatsuka and his team have also worked to extend the remit of their Teamvision AI routines, with on-screen team mates adapting their tactics according to current situations, and moving into space to assist the player in attacking and defensive situations. Teamvision also recognizes strategies that work for or against it, and will accumulate the data for use in Master League and League mode.

The ever-present Master League has also been reworked, with negotiations now a lot simpler and conducted on a two-tier club and personal basis, while loyalty now plays a part with disaffected players' moods having an adverse affect on their performances.

Adding an all-new layer of gloss to PES 2009's much-enhanced realism, the game has also undergone a radical aesthetic upgrade. Stadiums now have more realistic environment and atmospheric elements, while the PLAYSTATION®3 and Xbox 360 versions will also showcase LED hoardings. Likewise, the way distance is shown has been changed, with the use of contrast adding a depth field to the action, while there is also a new vertical camera angle that automatically switches to a closer proximity during key one-on-one situations.

Every player in the game has also been totally redefined, with all new face and body detail, with further facial animations and kit detailing adding to the realism. The game's Edit mode has also been boosted with the ability to create bespoke matches via the importing of faces, kits, and even sound files for specific music and crowd chants for any team. A new Pixel Paint system has also been integrated, allowing players to create their own club crests and badges to add to their home-grown kits.

Game Facts

Genre: Sports
Release-Date: 17th October 2008
Players: 1-4 Online or Offline
System Requirements:
OS: Microsoft Windows XP SP2/Vista
Processor: Intel Pentium IV 1.4GHZ or equivalent
Memory: 1GB RAM, 6GB Free hard drive space
Video Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible/128MB VRAM/Pixel Shader 2.0 (NVIDIA GeForce or ATI Radeon 9700 or better).
Sound card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
Increased performance will be noticed on more powerful systems. For full list of supported chipsets and unsupported cards, please check the back of box.
Age Rating: Minimum Age: 3

  • UEFA Champions League license
  • Manchester United and Liverpool FC teams officially licensed!
  • Brand new 'Become a Legend' and online 'Legends' modes
  • Improved gameplay and computer AI
  • Full edit mode returns

PC Demo : download

PES 2009 PC patch v1.10 Released

News from Konami:
We are glad to announce that a patch was released as scheduled at 07:00 BST on 23/10/2008 to correct issues that have affected user save data in various modes of "Pro Evolution Soccer".

Please be made aware that sometimes, during installation, the process may appear to have stalled with the window status shown as "not responding" for a few minutes.

However, we would like to ask you to wait for the installation to resume rather than to retry or abort as the installation is in progress even when the above symptoms occur.

We would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

The readme.txt says:
Implementing this update will fix the following problems:

* Problems that affected the game in various game modes when played in a resolution higher than 1280*720.
Once implemented, the game can be played in higher resolutions than the one previosly without the same problems.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be informed that by implementing the patch, the save file you created in advance for ''Become a Legend'', ''Champions League'', ''League / Cup'' and ''Master League'' modes may become unusable.

Download Links: (8.79 MB)
Patch | Mirror

The patch may take some time to install, so please be patient. Mine takes about 15-20 minutes when the update window finally become responsive again. Then you can continue the installation process.
DO NOT interrupt it and close it, since the game may become corrupted and need a reinstall.

I have installed the patch and have no problem loading the save file for "Become a Legend" mode. Perhaps because I'm using 1024x768 (16:9) resolution that is not affected by the "higher resolutions issue".